Last Friday was the Father-Son outing, so grandpa got to go with Rick and the boys. London tells me it was the "best night ever!", but Rick and grandpa have a different story: Rick spent the night chasing after two crazy boys. He lived in fear that one of them would drown in the lake they camped by. And he had to sleep on the ground because there was no room on the air mattress. Grandpa slept on the air mattress, but was kicked all night by a certain blond child who shall remain nameless.
But based on the amount of dirt on Brandt, and the stories from London. They still managed to have fun.
First they set up the tent.
Then they roasted some hotdogs.
They rolled down a few hills.
And in the morning, the bishopric provided breakfast.
Fun times!
Virtual Launch Party for Not My Circus!
1 year ago