Tonight's dinner menu included peas. And despite our fervent assurances that Brandt did indeed like them, he refused to take a bite.
Us: Just take one bite. You LIKE them!
Brandt [frowning and arms folded]: I don't like peas!
We told him that he wouldn't get any popcorn for movie night tonight. He still refused. We told him he'd have to go straight to bed and miss the movie altogether. He said, "My lips are shut tight."
We set the timer. He held firm until he only had two minutes left then finally allowed me to slip half a bite into his mouth.
He chewed, angry face in tact.
He chewed some more and his face softened.
He swallowed and scrunched up his face at me: "Did that bite have peas in it?"
"It most certainly did," I told him.
Suddenly he was all smiles. "Oh. I like peas, now!"
And he gobbled up his entire plateful.
Indeed, Brandt will be watching the movie tonight. ;)
Virtual Launch Party for Not My Circus!
1 year ago